
This page is perhaps poorly named. Some of the charities listed actually receive their funding from the MCFD. In reality you are asking for government money that is not assigned to other programs!

Some of the other listed agencies are indeed real charities. They may ask you for proof of income to prove your need.

What can I ask of them?

Often these organizations provide funds for home renovations or wheelchair access. I’m sure many of you reading this do in fact require modifications to your home to accommodate a severely autistic child. For example, you may need to have your yard fenced in because your child is a flight risk. Sometimes they will provide for an aide for summer camp or a special trip for the family, although all charities have their own rules and application procedures. A non-verbal child may be eligible for a communication device.

If anyone knows of charities which help families with an autistic child, please let me know and I would be happy to post it.

Charity Listings